Shirley Fretwell Solicitor
42 Allendale Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 4LE
0115 9323623
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)
This is a document made before October 2007 appointing someone
("the Attorney") to deal with the property and finances of somebody
else ("the Donor").
If the Attorney believes the Donor is becoming/has become mentally incapable of manging his/her own affairs the EPA should be registered. I can prepare the registration forms.
The EPA has now been replaced by a Lasting Power of Attorney.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
An LPA is now used to appoint someone ("the Attorney") to act and make decisions about the property and financial affairs of somebody else ("the Donor") when the Donor is unable to make decisions for himself/herself.
The LPA can't be used until registered.
Another form of LPA can be used for a Donor to appoint an Attorney to make decisions about his/her health and welfare.
I can provide both LPA documents with guidance notes and deal with registration.